HTML for greens
In this chapter you will learn...
HTML course for complete beginners. Write your own website even in one day and get it on the Internet for free. Creating a WWW site is really easy. You are invited!
- Let's get started HTML course!
Is website development really as difficult as they say?
- HTML editors
Which HTML editor to choose: Pajączek, CoreEditor, Bluefish, Brackets, PSPad, gedit, Kate, Quanta Plus, SCREEM, Smultron?
- Document structure
What does a typical HTML document look like? What are subpages?
- Entering text
How do you enter text on Web pages? What are the rules for correct typing of punctuation marks in computer text?
- Tags
What are HTML tags?
- Line break
How do you move text to the next line in an HTML document?
- Paragraph
How to arrange text on the screen? How to add a new paragraph? How to center or align text? What are HTML attributes?
- Bold
How do I bold (embolden) text on a Web page?
- Italic
How to italicize text on a web page (italics)?
- Underline
How do you underline text on a Web page?
- Font size
How do I change the font size on a web page?
- Font color
How do I change the font color on a web page?
- Font family
How do I change the font type on a Web page?
- Combining parameters
How do you change the appearance of text on a web page?
- Background and text color
How do I change the background color and text color on a web page?
- Inserting image
How do I insert an image (graphic, photo) into a Web page?
- Image alignment
How do I determine the alignment of an image (graphic, photo) on a Web page?
- Centering image
How do I position an image (graphic, photo) or other elements in the center of the screen (centering)?
- Subpage link
What are links (hyperlinks, hypertext links) used for?
- Web address link
How to insert a link (hyperlink, hypertext link) in a Web page?
- Email link
How to insert an email address on a web page?
- Image link
How to insert an image (graphic) link (hyperlink, hypertext reference), i.e. a clickable button, on a Web page?
- How to make good website
What to avoid so that your Web site does not scare away Internet users?
- Revision
- Tutorial